If for some compelling reason you need to take your child out of school for a number of days, the staff and teachers need to know about this well in advance.  Please notify the front office as well as the child’s class teacher.  Also, if parents are going to be out of town and the student staying with another family, that is also important for us to know, both to support the child emotionally and to have contact numbers for the caretakers during that time.  I think it’s helpful for our sense of community if we ask ourselves, “Do the teachers and staff need to know this?” And as staff and teachers we need to ask, “What do the parents need to know?”  Communication takes time and energy from all of us, but it’s one of the ways we show our love for one another, so thank you for your efforts in sharing what we need to know about the students.  We are striving to be better communicators with you and are always eager to hear how we could be doing a better job.